Accents Table Bourse
Location picture
Michelin Guide
Worth the step
Modern Cuisine
The Michelin Guide's review
"An accent tells us where someone is from; it tells us about their country, their region and their history. It is this idea of openness and discovery that I want to champion, a cuisine made up of encounters and exchanges," says Ayumi Sugiyama, the Japanese owner and head pastry chef of this contemporary Scandinavian-style restaurant. Chef Romain Mahi's dishes are a combination of classic fare with more daring creations and subtle experiments with roasted aromas and smoky flavours: Arctic char baked in the oven, celery and cauliflower cooked in a clementine jus, caraway seeds and orange peel marmalade with roasted spices. From start to finish, we see balance and precision... right through to the light, well-crafted sweet creations. Warm and vibrant service.
24 rue Feydeau
75002 Paris