The Mackenzie Room
Location picture
Michelin Guide
The Michelin Guide's review
The Mackenzie Room rightly describes itself as a “hidden gem,” as it really is waving the flag for culinary ambition in an area not overly encumbered with competitors. It boasts a laid-back vibe, a strong urban look and a blackboard menu listing dishes that focus on local, seasonal ingredients. If you can get past the puns—names like ‘Prince Char-ming’ featuring Arctic char, or ‘Collar by Your Name’ which involves succulent braised pork collar with sauce à la Royale— you’ll find yourself enjoying generously sized and creatively conceived dishes that don’t skimp on flavor.If you come as a table or four or more, you can have the whole menu at a set price. Be sure to start with one of their cocktails (Werewolf in Vancouver, anyone?).
415 Powell St.
Vancouver V6A 1G7