Vieux Lyon
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Michelin Guide
Worth the trip
City and village
The Michelin Guide's review
Old Lyon Stretches from the River Saône to Fourvière and is comprised of three districts (Saint-John, Saint-Paul et Saint-Georges). The old town used to be the centre of industry and the home of the Lyons silk workers. At the end of Francois I's reign a census reported that there were 180,000 looms in the city. The houses built by the Brokers and bankers now gives the town an exceptionally urban look. More that 300 of these houses still remain. There are four general styles of architecture which correspond to the buildings. Late Gothic houses have Flamboyant façades, Renaissance houses have flowery façades (the most beautiful), and French Renaissance houses in the style sponsored by Philibert Delorme and late 16C or Pre-classic houses with harsh lines. It is also the district of the famous covered passage ways(traboules) (between the rue Saint-Jean, the rue des Trois-Marie and the Romain Rolland quay or between the rue Saint-Georges and the Fulchiron quay) that link the buildings either by arched ogival corridors or with French ceilings and by interior courtyards with Renaissance galleries.
69005 Lyon
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