Japanese Garden
Location picture
Michelin Guide
Worth the trip
Park or garden
The Michelin Guide's review
One of the most authentic Japanese gardens outside of Japan occupies a 5.5-acre site directly above the rose gardens. Designed by Professor Takuma Tono, a Japanese landscape master from Tokyo, the garden took four years to complete and was opened to the public in 1967. The immaculately tended grounds contain superb examples of ancient Japanese gardening styles influenced by Shinto, Buddhist and Taoist philosophies. Plants, stones and water are employed to create areas of serene and contemplative beauty. From April to October an open-sided bus is available to take visitors from the parking lot up to the entrance. More scenic is the graveled foot path which begins at the lovely Antique Gate, constructed of wood, stone, and clay tiles, and climbs up through the forest to the entrance.
Practical information
+1 503-223-1321
611 South West Kingston Avenue
Portland 97205
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