Lille Métropole Museum of Modern Art, Contemporary Art and Art Brut (LaM)
Michelin Guide
Well worth the diversions
The Michelin Guide's review
Manuelle Gautrand's architectural extension is like a hand wrapped around the original building, designed by Roland Simounet in 1983, and doubles the exhibition space. Inside and in the sculpture park, LaM presents, in particular, early 20C works of modern art from the Donation Geneviève and Jean Masurel, pieces of contemporary art and a unique Art Brut collection. Work by Calder, Picasso, Léger, Klee, Kandinsky, Soulages, Messager, Corbaz, Darger... to name but a few.
Practical information
+33 3 20 19 68 68
1 allée du Musée
59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq
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